Thursday, June 16, 2011

Paging Dr. Friday...

Ready for this weekend - Fo Sho

Watching the kiddos last night has completely wiped me out of energy.  Not even 2 chocolate chip cookies picked me up today.

The goal of a consistent 2 day practice is still nowhere near my sites.  Getting to work by 6am is a challenge to doing much before it.

Still loving the TI swim technique... it just feels so simple and smooth.  I need to develop a sense of time - it feels slow when I'm faster and vice versa.  This is great for longer easy swims, but a challenge to establishing a more consistent speed connection.

Pretty awesome to do 6400 last night and really not feel exhausted.  Tough right now to have the old sense of physical completion along with the neural imprinting required of TI.


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